The success of any organization rises and falls on its leadership. We all know too well:
“As the leaders go, so goes the company.”
It’s mission-critical, therefore, that individuals and teams do all they can to maximize strengths, build-up weaknesses, and identify blind-spots. It’s only when leaders invest in the right priorities, while keeping those priorities in the correct order, that true potential can be reached.
How does a leader maximize their impact over the long-term? High levels of influence endure only with the successful (and consistent) reflection and recalibration of one’s priorities. This continual realignment allows the best leaders to keep the most important at the forefront, cutting through the constant barrage of tasks, activities, interruptions and urgent requests.
The Prioritized Leader Key Concepts
- Purpose – Knowing a living the “why” of your organization.
- People – The level of health and productivity we have with our colleagues and connections.
- Pace – Discerning how fast (or slow) the organization needs to move to sustain long-term success,
- Perception – Choosing a growth mindset, staying open to creative solutions and new ideas.
- Profit – The effective management, investment and release of an organization’s resources.
Thanks to our partners at TTI Success Insights and Five Capitals we now offer The Prioritized Leader assessment, video learning, workbooks and in-person or video conference coaching sessions. Each individual or company gets their own online portal to work at their own pace.